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Saraswats are Hindu Brahmins. The origin of the word Saraswat is associated with the Rigvedic Saraswati river. While Saraswat Brahmins can be found across India, Saraswat families predominantly live in Northern India- Punjab, south Haryana, and north Rajasthan. Saraswat families who live in the Western and Southern parts of India are Rigvedi Brahmins who either follow the Advaita Vedanta of Adi Shankara (Smarthas) or the Dvaita Vedanta of Madhvacharya. It is said that after the partition of India and Pakistan in 1947, the Saraswat Brahmins who lived in Sindh and Gujarat migrated to Bombay.

Since Saraswats can be found from Kashmir to Kanyakumari, each state has a different version of the Saraswat matrimony wedding rituals. In Gaud Saraswat Brahmins, Konkani rituals are followed, and Nandi Puja is done before the pre-wedding rituals.

While Gujarat, Punjab, and Jammu-based Saraswat Brahmins obey strict vegetarian diets, some families in Maharashtra and Goa have long been vegetarians and pescetarians. Saraswat Brahmins who live in the Kashmir valley tend to consume mutton and fish but obey the restrictions mentioned in the sacred Shastras.

Saraswats have had a deep and old connection with the field of literature. They have contributed immensely to philosophy and literature in Sanskrit, Marathi, Konkani, and Kannada. In the past, Saraswat Brahmins have been dynamic leaders such as Motilal Nehru and Jawaharlal Nehru. Even today, be it the arenas of Military, Police, Politics, Acting, Drama, Music, or sports, this community continues to contribute immensely and excel.

SH61620188's profile pic


31 yrs, 5' 3"", Hindu, Brahmin - Saraswat, Chandigarh

SH53839721's profile pic


69 yrs, 5' 2"", Hindu, Brahmin - Saraswat, Panchkula

SH40709475's profile pic


32 yrs, 5' 3"", Hindu, Brahmin - Saraswat, Delhi

SH52646949's profile pic


28 yrs, 5' 7"", Hindu, Brahmin - Saraswat, Pune

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